Oversized sweater: Goodwill /
Overalls: Some thrift store in Tampa /
Door knocker earrings: Forever 21 / Boots: Traffic
"Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing."
- Alexander Wang
It's been a little minute since my last post. I really been skressin... School has been kickin' my ass lately. Between shows, papers, exams, etc. I just couldn't find the time. But I'm baaaackkkk :) Hope y'all didn't miss me too much.
So guyssss.. this is my favorite sweater. I'm obsessed with 90s style so I just loveee oversized clothing. It's just so comfortable. Besides, I like being able to prove that you can still be cute with big clothes on. I like feeling free, and tight clothes just don't do that for me. Now don't get me wrong... I can put on a nice form-fitting dress and be cute. I just prefer my baggy clothes.
Speaking of feeling free... I'm sure you've noticed that boob action up there. I thought I'd share the fact that I hardly ever wear bras anymore. I honestly don't know why I stopped. My itty bitties aint bothering nobody any way. I'm all about individuality and free will so wearing short shorts with oversized tops and no bra is what I'm comfortable with.
I wear draws though so don't be too freaked out lol...
There's one last thing that I need to address. Yes people, that big ol bump under my eye is a sty. I'm very aware that it is there. I have to look at it everyday, not you lol. I get them pretty often, usually when I use someone else's makeup. This has to be the worst one I've ever had. I've literally done everything I could to try and make it go away but this one is a bit stubborn. Hopefully it goes away soon because it sucks to be constantly asked "What's that on your eye?" Like gee thanks for the reminder! I hate it. Can't hide it. But it's there. So I deal with it. Boom.
On a lighter note... I'll be giving out some shoes soon so tell ya friends :)
Besitos 😘!!