Round sunnies: Forever 21 / Heart-shaped bamboo earrings: Forever 21 / 
Westside jersey: Forever 21 / White origami skirt: Forever 21 / 
Arm-cuff: Forever 21 / Jellies: Cotton On 

"Embrace your youth. As a student in college, it seems that everyone around me just wants to hurry and grow up — but not Margo. She is a person of the now. She taught me that the present is something we never get back. Our job is to make the most out of growing and living, so that when we do die, we can say we lived a life worth living. Margo, thank you for your big hair and red lipstick. Continue to be different, because the last thing the world need is more photocopies of something it’s not."
                                                 - Gemima Rosier                                                                                                                

Recently, I met up with a fellow Gator student to discuss fashion and how it impacts our everyday lives. It felt great to express to someone the reasons behind why I dress the way that I do and what caused me to grow this extreme passion for fashion (that was kinda corny, but whatever lol). 

Check out the rest of the Story Behind the Look:

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